' rel='SHORTCUT ICON'/> Welcome Visitors!: Februari 2010

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010

About my sister :)

Hii! i'ill tell my sister in my blog :) check it out :)

1.My best sister in the whole word :)
 - Demitria Devonne Lovato
Demitria devonne lovato is my sister , her nickname is demi :) , people like her , but not all , she is was star in a america :o , i want to go to america now , for see my sister :o hohoho , yeah her twitter ; ddlovato follow her now :) don't forget follow me again : naadaw hihi thanks  :d , her can famous cause her actrer and signer :)  birth day in 20-Augst-1992 her have brother , him name is patrick lovato , and she hace sister , her sister name is  dallas lovato :D ,   her father decided to move to New Mexico after his divorce from Dianna. A year later, her mother married Eddie DeLaGarza and Demi's new family expanded when her younger sister, Madison DeLaGarza, was born.And she have a young sister , her sister name is Nada Eprilia Lovato :p HAHAHAHAHA

 Thanks For The Read And Visit
I hope you visit again in my blog thanks :)

My Best Cousin
2. -Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus is my sister , her nickname is ley , mm so cute nickname my sister miley :P , hahay  she is star in the america *same to demi lovato* Born to country singer-actor Billy Ray Cyrus and his wife Leticia "Tish" Cyrus, she was given the name Destiny Hope Cyrus upon her parents' thought that she would accomplish great things in life. Frequently smiles as a youngster she then obtained the nickname of "Miley," which was directed from the word "smiley." And so, people began to notice the young, beautiful, and talented star simply as Miley Cyrus. She would later on changed her birth name to Miley Ray Cyrus in honor of her father. Born in Franklin, Tennessee, a suburb of Nashville, on November 23, 1992, the girl was raised on her parents' farm in the backwoods of Nashville. She initially attended Heritage Middle School before then had a private tutor. She has a younger brother, Braison, and a younger sister, Noah Lindsey Cyrus, who is also an actress, in addition to two older half-brothers, Christopher Cody and Trace, and an older half-sister named Brandi.She have young cousin  , her name is Nada Eprilia Lovato Cyrus . HAHAHAY i'm lovato,cyrus family haha lol



Thanks For The Read And Visit
I hope you visit again :)

Webcame with astrid triavany ayunda :D

hii semua , sorry udah lama bangeeeeeeeeeeeet ga ngepost hehe soalnya gue udh jarang ol dari komp lagi cause gue ol dari hp mulu hehehe , gue  punya temen namanya astrid dia cantik sih baik :o (don't pede) haah pinter lagi zzzzzzzzzzz , awalnya gue ga deket sama dia , berawal group bbm my school dlu hampir tiap hari gitu chat sama singal,feybien sama hal nya kaya feybien gue juga dulu ga deket ama dia gragra bbm my school hehey kemaren aja kita di bb pada nangis gitu fgaragra GUNTUR SILALAHI huahaha trus pada sore hari gue nyapa astrid trid webcame yuk eh akta dia ayuk , nah abis itu gue webcame angitu ama dia eh besokbesok nya kita ketagihan gitu webcame an sama dia ckck dan ada adegan PAMER - MEMAMER hahay




 dan masih banyak lagi numpuk di my document hahay , itu yang gue pajang yang seassion mamer nya wkwkwkw 

Thanks For The Read And Visit :)

Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

Can't have it forever :)

Hiiiiiiii , apa kabar?apakah baik?semoga baik , :D , gue gk tau ya kenapa gue punya ide ngeberi judul gk bisa punya itu selamanya??do you want to know?yey i will tell to you :) , nothing in my life are so "hate" have it?yey i have it , why i say i have it?cause now i hate her , her name is nanananaana *no need to know , hey hey bye sumpah gk ada inspirasi punya ngepost ini hehe bye

Senin, 15 Februari 2010

12 - 04 - 99

Hey :D long time not post in my blog!hahha , kali ini gue mau ceritain how lucky date of 12-04-1999 yeah!of cours!this date so luck ! maap ye kalo inggrisnya berantakan hohohehe , so? di tahun 1999 tepatnya pada tanggal 12 april  gue lahir!lah teruuus?emg nanya?alah ngebacot sendiri!ups kan ga boleh ngmng bacooot ssama guru gue -_-haha next!so?so luck this date!uuu i like it :) tau ga dimasa ini tuh gue masih oe oe oe (?) ga bisa jalan dan belum ngerti MATIMATIKA!oh no!haha matimatika pindah profesi sih jadi ga susah gtuu baut gue (sok lo nad) haha ....... lebay lebay lebay? kalo ga lebay?bukan gue! hahaaa, lebay is my life :D jangan kira lo semua ga lebay!lo lebay hihihoho (kok gue jadi marahmarah ke lo sih?bukan buat lo semua visitors BUT ah engga deng!) hahaa kayanya nih ga nyambung deh , iyaa?bodo --' llanjut ini semua tntg post" yang ga bermutu!oh iya satu lagi GUE MAU NGAPUS NAMA DIA di daftar blog gue!nyampah wooo :PPPP , udah dlu yaa friends gue ga tau mau ngomong apa so?i'ill close this post!Byee

Selasa, 02 Februari 2010

I am a super rrrrrr

Heeey ,hhe skg gue cerita tentang rr , gue dpt julukan super r itu kelas 4 emang dehh kelas 4 satu kelas sapet hadiah dari pa hari huwowoow gue dibilang super r karna gue ga bisa ngomong 3 ,oh baby why so hard I says r?and all my friends can says r and the a true mamaa :( ahaha garagra pa hari nig gue dikatain BERRRRRRR eh engga deng berr ituciptaannya daiva gragra gue duduk di depanya (dluu) so?dia duduk sama panji dia bikin tosan berr gitu deh ckkckk haha ga tau gue mau ngmng apa di next post gue bakal ceritain HADIAH NAMA DARI MR.HARY haha nanti. Ya hehe bye

i am a super girl ( just for me)

Hehe hay semua , gue berfikit gue itu perempuan super HEYAA BANGGA ,ahah karna guepun ga tau knp gue pikir gue superrr!! Skg gue tau deh .soalnya gue dipanggil SUPER RRRRRRRRRRRRR oh uh oh !betapa susahnya ngomong R back to topic yang ini gue ceritqiin next post! Gue super karna gue emg super (apasih nad) haha gue ga tau mau ngmng apa and next post a nice post gue yaki nhehe bye MAAF KALO ADA PENULISAN KATA YANG GA BENER soalnya ol dari hp hwhhe

think of my story is nice HEYAAA bangga

hello guys, knp gue bilang cerita gue bagus? Ahha verita gue banyak yang rahasia sih bukanya ga mau ngasih tauu tapi ga tepat di blongger huek kalo mau lu mention ke gua aja @naadaw a nya dua oke hehehw back to topic , heyaa hahahahahh gue ga bisa berenti ketawa gtu nih skg huaw ga tau kenapa HEYAAA (stress) tetep aja gitu haha wktu itu kan gue jalan ya ke sency ama mima,mira,abel,singal trus nonton the next spy of the door . Sumpah demi apapuuun tuh film seru bangettt heyaa , msa ada anak kecil yang dilempar gitu pake baju kereb ah kwkwkw pas terakhirnya make me laugh HEYAA back to topic kalo mau tau kelanjutannya wktu di sency , abis post ini . BACK TO TOPIC heyaa dluu ya gue sih ngepost langsung aja ga ush pnjgnppnjg , soalnya gue pikir buat menuhin blog gituu ehehhe kampung banget ya gue ( Γ_ Γ) hahaa tapi gue berfikir waktu post ke 45 (heyaa tepat bgt) ga ada gunanya menuhin blog tapi ga pntg ,sbnrnya gue dpt ideini dari sosok artis ic gragra gue baca blognya.postnya dikit tapi seru ceritanya dan panjangpanjang , jadi gue ngikutin aliran itu deh (wooo copycat wooo) ahha hem next , dan tau ga sih gue tuh wktu itu udh certita panjangpanjang TAPI KE CLOSE gembel banget ih gue udah crrita panjang dan gue blum sempet terbitkan entri HUWOOOO gue pegel tuh kalo boleh tau Γ_ Γ ahaha udah dlu ya semuaa ,maaf kalo ga warna warni,berparagraf,dan penulisan kata soalnyaa gue ngepost di hp nih haha

NB : follow twitter @naadaw
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